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Production of melanin

      Newportl-MELANIN is an early-stage biotechnology company whose mission is to develop and mass manufacture melanin-based materials for radiation shielding and energy capture applications

Our laboratory  is working on developing various use cases for its Natural and Functionalized Melanin in Cosmetics , Pharma and Industrial applications

     Our production is currently located in Eastern Europe, and the opening of production in Southern California is planned for 2024.

      Our scientific supervisor and founder of the production, Elbrus Khokhoev, has a number of scientific articles and has participated in a research project with the Canadian Space Agency.

Properties and Applications


With its radiation-shielding properties, melanin paves the way for novel biomaterials to protect humans and electronics against dangerous radiation


As a renewable, organic source for heat capture, melanin can transform heating systems for cold climates. Melanin’s ability to absorb solar radiation can improve passive heat capture systems to be more efficient and sustainable.


Melanin is an organic semiconductor and it’s unique electrical properties are already used in melanin batteries. Coupled with solar absorption and radiation shielding, the possibilities are endless for innovative bioelectronics.


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UV Protection

Melanin possesses the ability to shield against harmful UV rays. With its powerful UV-B protection, antioxidant properties, and ability to combat signs of aging, melanin shows great promise for various dermatological and cosmetic applications, particularly in the development of sunscreens. Additionally, its safe pigmentation qualities make it suitable for integration into natural hair dyes and vitiligo creams, offering a reliable and harmless option for individuals looking to restore color or address skin pigmentation concerns.


Radiation Protection

Melanin possesses the impressive capability to effectively block ionizing radiation, encompassing x-rays and gamma rays. This exceptional attribute opens up significant possibilities for melanin's application as a drug to safeguard against radiotoxicity. Furthermore, its potential use as protective equipment in fields like medicine, nuclear installations, and aerospace holds great promise, as it provides a reliable barrier against the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Leveraging melanin in these domains has the potential to enhance safety and mitigate the adverse consequences associated with radiation exposure.


Solar Fuel Cell

Melanin holds significant promise as a groundbreaking solution for electricity generation in diverse fields. Its unique characteristic lies in its capacity to effectively separate water into hydrogen and oxygen under sunlight, positioning it as a viable contender for fuel cell advancements. By utilizing melanin's potential in this domain, we have the opportunity to revolutionize the methods of generating electricity, providing a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional energy sources.


Low Cost Batteries

Magnesium and sodium ion batteries are gaining attention as cost-effective alternatives to lithium-ion batteries, even though they have historically not been rechargeable. However, researchers have recently made strides in creating rechargeable magnesium and sodium ion batteries by incorporating melanin as a cathode component.

The main obstacle in utilizing melanin for battery technology has been its expensive production. However, the cost-effective production capabilities of  melanin open up exciting possibilities for its use as a cathode material in battery technology. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the industry by offering more affordable and efficient battery options, overcoming the cost limitations that have hindered widespread adoption thus far


Organic Semi Conductor

Melanin is a remarkable organic semiconductor that distinguishes itself by being able to conduct both ions and electrons. In electronics, electron flow carries electric current, while biological systems rely on ion flow for the same purpose.

What sets melanin apart is its unique ability to interface with both electronic and ionic control circuitry, providing an unprecedented means of integrating traditional electronics with biological systems. This outstanding feature positions melanin as one of the exceedingly rare materials that meet the essential requirements for seamless compatibility between electronic and biological functionalities in the realm of bioelectronics

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