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Our Mission

To Bring Manufacturing Home To The U.S. From China

To support the transfer of manufacturing from Asia to the US and Mexico


Our Motivation

Break through value for sourcing & procurement


American manufacturers are increasingly bringing production back to the US to reduce their reliance on global supply chains that proved vulnerable to disruption such as the pandemic.

"Reshoring" manufacturing has also been spurred by geopolitical disruption 

US companies started reconsidering having their supply chains abroad

Make procurement your value powerhouse by creating a digital procurement organization that drives growth while getting the basics right.

Deliver durable cost savings

Improve compliance and mitigate risk

Make better business decisions

Thread sustainability into procurement activities—ensuring a responsible supply chain, designing for circularity and supporting net-zero operations—in line with cost and business needs.

Increased effectiveness of the team by leveraging market intelligence for decision making

Use end-to-end visibility of data insights to develop and deliver your long-term vision for procurement

The impact of change on sourcing & procurement​

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